EZ Intranet Messenger

EZIM is a messenger for internal communication. It does not need a server to authenticate against to sign in. As long as you can get an IP address from the DHCP server (i.e. the network supports multicast), it will be able to find all other users within the same network segment and communicate with them. It is very handy to use on local area networks as it allows admins to provide a simple messenger service to the members without the need to add more servers, making life alot easier.

EZIM works on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and other operating systems which has Java Runtime Environment Version 1.6.x or above installed.

EZIM features private instant messaging service, online status notification, file transmission, and real time public chat.

Requires Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 6 or above. Get It Here.

What's New in version 1.1.6:

This is another improvement release where support for multi-recipient in private messages is the highlight. Button and state images are modified for better readability and are now manipulated with sprite files.


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